email disclaimer

  • This is the e-mail disclaimer of Journey with Passion (“us”, “we”, “our”).
  • This disclaimer applies to all e-mail correspondence, including attachments (“e-mail”) sent from the domain.
  • The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, you must notify the sender, and delete this e-mail immediately. You may not copy, save, print, forward, or otherwise disclose or distribute this e-mail or any part thereof to anyone, or take any action in reliance of the information contained in this e-mail.
  • Any e-mail addresses contained in this e-mail may not be collected, sold or otherwise distributed for purposes of unwarranted contact, including but not limited to unsolicited marketing.
  • We will not be liable for any improper or incomplete transmission of this e-mail or any part thereof, or for any delay in its delivery or receipt.
  • We will not be liable for any damage or loss, including but not limited to data loss, arising from any malicious code or viruses contained in this e-mail or its attachments.
  • Only duly authorised staff acting within the scope of their authority and employment with us can bind us contractually.  
  • Unless expressly stated otherwise, nothing in this e-mail constitutes an offer, warranty or representation from us.
  • Any views or opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender. If this e-mail contains offensive, derogatory, or defamatory content, you disclaim us from and agree to hold the sender liable in his or her personal capacity.  
  • We reserve the right to access, intercept, monitor or block e-mail on the domain. Our staff are bound by company policy and are not automatically entitled to privacy if they engage in private matters through their work e-mail.